Nahla and Bruce are 2 very loved dogs from Yorkshire who used to be raw fed. Their devoted Mum Ness transitioned them for these reasons -“If you love your pet and want what’s best for them why wouldn’t you try a healthier feeding regime. You do it for yourself and your children?”

She said that it took her just 6 weeks to transition with lots of loose poops but that all settled down and she noticed with time that they both had:
* More energy
* Lovely coat
* Seemed to really enjoy eating the food
* Poops don’t smell!

Vegan dogs Nahla and Bruce

More recently Ness has this to say about Nahla – “I do have to say, since Nahla has been plant based, over a year now she has not yet had a recurrence of SRMA (Meningitis). She had it at 16 months old then a year later again, but now its been 1.5 years after the 2nd bout so I’m hoping that it is the plant based element that has helped.”

Huge congratulations to Ness for looking after the 2 dogs she adores so well. Here is how she does it which she has kindly shared with us –

Homemade cooked vegan dog food for Nahla and Bruce
Ingredients used in homemade vegan food for Nahla and Bruce

I love my fur babies & spent the whole day batch cooking their meals for the next 2.5 weeks as shown in the first image – phew!

This is my step by step guide xx

Weigh your dog and work out how much weight his daily feed would be – feed your dog 3% of their body weight daily ie a 20kg dog would eat 600 grams a day

Then divide that food weight into:
1/2 legumes (green lentils cooked and blended to a mousse)
1/4 wholegrain (wholegrain pasta or brown rice or quinoa)
1/8 red veg (steamed butternut squash, mashed and add grated raw carrot)
1/8 green veg (steamed kale, add raw grated courgette)

Per 2kg of cooked food add:
4 heaped tsp nooch (Engevita)
1 tsp goldenpaste
2 heaped tsp ground sunflower and pumpkin seeds
2 heaped tsp JUST BE KIND supplement
1 tbsp sunflower oil
Handful of dried cranberries or
Handful of blueberries

Then treats through the day veggies fruits and a sneaky toast and marmite and peanut butter xxx

How inspiring too that Nahla and Bruce are also fed some dry vegan biscuits and left to forage for them using some paper packaging – SO good for their mental stimulation as they love it!

“A huge thank you to Ness for sharing in her recipe that her lucky Nahla and Bruce are getting – she has it all right and we are thrilled with the feedback about Nahla’s remission with her meningitis and their improved health on a homemade wholefood plant-based diet – definitely the best!
We have a link to Ness’ new business that she is so excited about that is all about all about ‘Recycle Reuse Repurpose with a sprinkling of Creation along with foraging x dog food x vlogs and blogs xxx’ “


Nahla and Bruce's Owner, Binkyboo Crafting

just be kind vegan dogs
Vegan Dog Food Success!

Vegan Dog Food Success!

She keeps coming back to her Green Crunch every meal. She also has changed temperament – she is calmer overall – and has a lovely soft coat. Her poos are much less horrible smelling!