Handsome little Cymro, the 7 year old Pembroke Corgi lives in rural Wales and has the kindest most dedicated Mum. She contacted me months ago to book a phone consultation to discuss all her concerns about her beloved Cymro.
During the teleconsult, I could hear all her stress and overwhelming concern for her little dog who suffered from severe and frequent gastrointestinal problems. In her gentle welsh accent, she explained how Cymro gets bouts of loud tummy gurgling, not eating, pain, sickness and bloody poos. He had been prescribed a diet of hydrolysed meat-protein Purina HA both dry and wet and she was sticking to exactly what her vet had said and Cymro was fed absolutely no treats or extras, only that food.
How pleased I was that she reached out to me and was open-minded enough to seek something different for her little dog who had such a poor quality of life on the only food that was prescribed for him that was not helping.
Her initial e-mail after we spoke really moved me with its thoughtfulness –
“Hi Arielle
Firstly, thank you very much for the teleconsult and sample box, it was good to speak to someone so kind, knowledgeable and understanding and it has given me hope at last that Cymro’s tummy troubles can be be helped with your lovely food.I am pleased to say that he seems to love the Solo Vegetal and Green Crunch – they both smell so good! As you probably know, I have ordered Solo Vegetal, I will keep it simple initially and see how he gets on. I shall keep you posted and thanks again for being so helpful and kind. I think what you do is very special! Here is another photo of Cymro and thought you might also like to see one of our beloved, beautiful Dylan too (who has sadly passed).”
How delighted I was to receive this follow-up email – it quite literally made my day! –
“Good Afternoon Arielle
Just an update to let you know how Cymro is getting on. I am so thrilled to say that he is now on Day 30 without an upset! Changed him gradually over the period of about a week from Solo Vegetal and he has been on the Green Crunch alone for 3 weeks now and it seems to be suiting him very well. Again, so pleased to say that he loves it and is enthusiastic about his food which is so lovely to see. His output is excellent, a bit bulkier than before but that was expected. He goes 3 times a day, sometimes 4. It is the best I’ve seen – I am sure you will appreciate how satisfying that is. His tummy still has the odd little gurgle, particularly after a meal, but nothing like before and it has not come to anything so far.Honestly, the last month has been bliss for him and us with no upset and I thank you so much for that. x”

“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”
Arielle Vegan Vet

April just loves Give A Dog A Bean!
I have never seen such a manic reaction from two lazy dogs, they scoffed Give A Dog A Bean as if this was the first meal they’ve had in a long time
Beautiful Loki the Vizsla loves Give A Dog A Bean
He’s on Solo Vegetal, as I’ve always been a dry food feeder for convenience, but he goes absolutely nuts for your Give A Dog A Bean!
I had previously tried him with Yumove tablets and saw no difference!
I recently trialled the Gold Dust along with the Algae oil with a 9 year old 40 kg English Bulldog that I look after who was struggling to lift his back legs to pee and go up and down the stairs
Sarah the active Border Collie loves her daily Gold Dust
“Sarah is an amazing girl. Very intelligent and active, she just wants to please. We love her so much.”
Lottie the Border Terrier
We have not been back to the vets for her itchy ears for 4 weeks and counting! Which is incredible with what we’ve been through!
Pain reduced in just 3 days with GOLD DUST!
Inca seems to have more energy, there is a lot less stiffness in her hips (the main issue for her joints) and able to move more freely. I simply cannot believe this!