Baxter the Weimeraner and his sensitive digestion

Baxter’s Dad contacted me over 18 months ago as he was deeply concerned about Baxter. He suffers from such an acute intolerance to meat protein (very common in Weimeraners) that causes him such debilitating pain and discomfort. His vets wanted Baxter to go onto...

10 Top Tips

FOLLOW THESE 10 TOP TIPS To Feeding Your Dog A Healthy, Safe Vegan Diet Top Tip 1 Trust our inspiring vets Find out more about our inspiring vegan vet Arielle who wants the best for your dog as much as she wants for her own family dog RuffMeet Arielle and the rest of...

Itchy Pet?

My Dog Is Really Itchy – Will A Vegan Diet Help? An allergic dog that suffers from itchy skin and ears who is constantly scratching and chewing their paws is just awful! These dogs tend to be more prone to skin infections, sore paws, ear infections and secondary yeast...


We have sourced the best Vegan Dog Food Brands and Essential Supplements for your dog PLEASE SEE OUR BRAND NEW JUST BE KIND SHOP with SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE!!...