How fortunate gorgeous boy Frank is to have his Mum as a medical student who has intensively studied what the best diet is to feed him.

She is fully aware that Golden Retrievers are one of the breeds that genetically could develop the heart condition dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and with him being on a vegan dog food diet, she is so fully aware that as long as he is given a diet that is rich in added Taurine, Omega 3 (from Algae oil preferably) and Vitamin B and D3, then he should be fine nutritionally and his risk of getting DCM is greatly reduced.

Frank is so fortunate as his dedicated Mum homecooks for him using our Just be Kind Supplement, as well as using top vegan dry dog foods and Fleetful homecook balanced recipe packs. He was raw fed for a short time until his Mum realised that a vegan diet was far kinder, safer and more sustainable than a high meat-based raw food diet.

Vegan dog Frank the Golden Retriever and his homemade food with JUST BE KIND Supplement in his mouth

The raw food led to him having episodes of really itchy skin or a really poorly tummy, and on the plant-based food, he has been healthy and is thriving!

As Frank is only 8 months old, he has been given advice on extra supplements needed for his growth as our homemade recipes and Fleetful homecook packs are recommended for ADULT DOGS ONLY.

Listen to all her wise wise words and meet gorgeous boy Frank in the video below…

Vegan dog Frank the Golden Retriever and his homemade food with Greta
Vegan dog Frank the Golden Retriever and his homemade food with Greta
just be kind vegan dogs
Vegan Dog Food Success!

Vegan Dog Food Success!

She keeps coming back to her Green Crunch every meal. She also has changed temperament – she is calmer overall – and has a lovely soft coat. Her poos are much less horrible smelling!