13 year old Louise is a Husky who has always been home fed by her dedicated Mum. She has always had a diet of home cooked chicken and vegetables but constantly suffered from digestive discomfort which lead to numerous scans and invasive tests to find out the cause.

No vet ever put it down to Louise possibly having an intolerance to chicken protein.

When her Mum transitioned her to a plant-based diet, she suddenly noticed very positive changes in Louise’s overall health. She stopped having episodes of vomitting and pain, and amazingly her fur began growing back where she had been shaved years previously that had remained bald from scans she had had in the past!

“Thank you for saving Louise”
– Linda Dundee

Listen to her Mum speaking below and also hear her experience with home cooking for Louise and how beneficial it is to persevere with different ingredients…even changing from red lentils to green lentils!!

Vegan Husky dog Louise
just be kind vegan dogs
Vegan Dog Food Success!

Vegan Dog Food Success!

She keeps coming back to her Green Crunch every meal. She also has changed temperament – she is calmer overall – and has a lovely soft coat. Her poos are much less horrible smelling!