Ruby is an amazing rescue Cockapoo who lived until she was 19 years old on a diet of healthy plant nutrients and pure love. I met her Mum last year at Vegfest when I gave a talk, and she is one of those people that I am in awe of. She stands up for what she believes is right and does everything she can to be a voice for the voiceless.

Not only is Ruby’s Mum incredibly knowledgeable about her own diet, but she has also fed her dogs on vegan dog foods for so many years and she has so much wisdom to share. She contacted me last year as she was very concerned about her elderly Ruby who was struggling to stand due to crippling arthritis. I advised as a vet with the main advice I have given for so many years, and that was to give her paracetamol at the correct dose with her food to help her pain.

She tried this, but still Ruby was suffering. The very next day, I received a message that stuck with me and this is what she said –

“Hello Arielle
I gave Ruby some Boswellia that I had in the cupboard, and I am amazed that she stood up and walked today for the first time in a long time”

I was absolutely thrilled. Ruby was more comfortable, and I had learnt about a new anti-inflammatory that was pure and plant-based and natural.
When I had a really nasty fall off my own bike a few months ago, I immediately bought myself some Turmeric and Boswellia capsules to take and I am sure that they both helped the healing process perfectly.

Ruby’s inspiring story, is the reason behind us adding Boswellia in high levels to our GOLD DUST Joint Supplement that we are just SO excited about for your dogs that suffer from any painful joints.

just be kind vegan dogs
Vegan Dog Food Success!

Vegan Dog Food Success!

She keeps coming back to her Green Crunch every meal. She also has changed temperament – she is calmer overall – and has a lovely soft coat. Her poos are much less horrible smelling!