How fortunate gorgeous boy Frank is to have his Mum as a medical student who has intensively studied what the best diet is to feed him.
She is fully aware that Golden Retrievers are one of the breeds that genetically could develop the heart condition dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and with him being on a vegan dog food diet, she is so fully aware that as long as he is given a diet that is rich in added Taurine, Omega 3 (from Algae oil preferably) and Vitamin B and D3, then he should be fine nutritionally and his risk of getting DCM is greatly reduced.
Frank is so fortunate as his dedicated Mum homecooks for him using our Just be Kind Supplement, as well as using top vegan dry dog foods and Fleetful homecook balanced recipe packs. He was raw fed for a short time until his Mum realised that a vegan diet was far kinder, safer and more sustainable than a high meat-based raw food diet.
The raw food led to him having episodes of really itchy skin or a really poorly tummy, and on the plant-based food, he has been healthy and is thriving!
As Frank is only 8 months old, he has been given advice on extra supplements needed for his growth as our homemade recipes and Fleetful homecook packs are recommended for ADULT DOGS ONLY.
Listen to all her wise wise words and meet gorgeous boy Frank in the video below…

April just loves Give A Dog A Bean!
I have never seen such a manic reaction from two lazy dogs, they scoffed Give A Dog A Bean as if this was the first meal they’ve had in a long time
Beautiful Loki the Vizsla loves Give A Dog A Bean
He’s on Solo Vegetal, as I’ve always been a dry food feeder for convenience, but he goes absolutely nuts for your Give A Dog A Bean!
I had previously tried him with Yumove tablets and saw no difference!
I recently trialled the Gold Dust along with the Algae oil with a 9 year old 40 kg English Bulldog that I look after who was struggling to lift his back legs to pee and go up and down the stairs
Sarah the active Border Collie loves her daily Gold Dust
“Sarah is an amazing girl. Very intelligent and active, she just wants to please. We love her so much.”
Lottie the Border Terrier
We have not been back to the vets for her itchy ears for 4 weeks and counting! Which is incredible with what we’ve been through!
Pain reduced in just 3 days with GOLD DUST!
Inca seems to have more energy, there is a lot less stiffness in her hips (the main issue for her joints) and able to move more freely. I simply cannot believe this!
Louise’s fur finally grew back!
“Thank you for saving Louise” – Linda Dundee
19 year old Ruby walked again
I gave Ruby some Boswellia that I had in the cupboard, and I am amazed that she stood up and walked today for the first time in a long time
Bruno the Bernese has outlived all his litter mates!
Do you know that Bruno is 11 years old now and he has outlived all of his littermates on his vegan diet!
Pax had remarkable changes going from raw to plant-based
Once transitioned to plant-based her itching stopped, the hotspots went, her ears don’t smell anymore and she gets no more tear-staining!
“Just feel his muscles!”
Solo Vegetal gives vegan Vizsla Loki his amazing physique that his Mum uses to promote plant-based feeding of dogs!
Bruno’s leg rash is solved at last
None of the vets we saw ever suggested that he might have a meat protein allergy