Baxter’s Dad contacted me over 18 months ago as he was deeply concerned about Baxter. He suffers from such an acute intolerance to meat protein (very common in Weimeraners) that causes him such debilitating pain and discomfort.

His vets wanted Baxter to go onto a hydrolysed protein subscription diet which thankfully Baxter’s Dad did his research and realised that the particular brand that the vet recommended – Purina HA contains very processed ingredients with the 5th ingredient listed as pure sugar!

Changing to Solo Vegetal, Greta and homemade supplemented food has been lifechanging for Baxter.

Even Hownd plant-powered superfood resulted in his pain returning as it contains a higher level of protein than Solo Vegetal or Greta. Listen to the very interesting story of this beautiful and sensitive dog below.

Baxter the vegan Weimeraner

“He absolutely loves the food, by the way. His relationship with food has completely changed (there’s a lot more begging for food now, which we’ve never really known!), he’s rarely sick and the shuddering which suggested some GI discomfort has completely stopped. He maintains his weight well now and looks in great condition, so thank you. Looking forward to our next delivery of Solo Vegetal. We are so pleased to have other options too with Green Crunch and Greta.”

Gareth, Birmingham

Baxter's Owner

Baxter the vegan Weimeraner
Baxter the vegan Weimeraner
Baxter the vegan Weimeraner
just be kind vegan dogs
Vegan Dog Food Success!

Vegan Dog Food Success!

She keeps coming back to her Green Crunch every meal. She also has changed temperament – she is calmer overall – and has a lovely soft coat. Her poos are much less horrible smelling!