I do have to admit to being in love with this little man Frankie!

He is in his Mum’s words – A very high-energy 18 month-old Jack Russell/ Dachshund Cross.

“I just wanted to share my feedback after switching my dog to Solo Vegetal. He has been meat-based (mainly raw) since a puppy but I started to feel guilty about his carbon footprint, so we tried switching him to an insect-based range. He ate it, but lost his enthusiasm about mealtimes.

Though vegan myself, I was reluctant to switch Frankie to a vegan diet, but your food was recommended to me and the information on the website put my mind at rest. So I took the plunge, and he absolutely loves it!

Vegan dog Frankie
Back to wolfing down his meals and jumping up and down at dinner time.

His slightly bristly coat is noticeably softer and he’s healthy and happy as ever. I’m so pleased I gave it a go and will be trying your homemade recipes too! “

Vegan dog Frankie
Vegan dog Frankie
Vegan dog Frankie
just be kind vegan dogs
Vegan Dog Food Success!

Vegan Dog Food Success!

She keeps coming back to her Green Crunch every meal. She also has changed temperament – she is calmer overall – and has a lovely soft coat. Her poos are much less horrible smelling!