It was while reading the very positive Google review shown from the Dad of Bearded Collies Mojo and Smudge, that I was reminded of one of my childhood dogs Biddy – a gorgeous rescue Bearded Collie (an unwanted ex-show dog). I loved her dearly, as I did all our family pets that we had growing up.
I can only look back now with knowledge and wisdom as to the health of our family pets. My Mum (shown in the photo below) was a typical little French mother who insisted on home cooked meals for everyone every night….and that included our family dogs. She was very matriarchal and we never questioned any of her choices and only admired her for her dedication.
Every morning, she would take out a large minced sausage from the freezer to cook for the dogs later in the afternoon. It was a mixture of beef and offal….and that was it! (much like the raw food companies sell today). Our dogs were fed on this everyday.
I have only now really looked back and thought about it as every one of our family dogs died from kidney disease in the 80’s, including Biddy the Beardie!!
This would be due to the very high protein diet that they were fed, but also the fact that it was full of meat-based ‘excretory organs’ from the meat industry such as livers and kidneys.
If you consider that an excretory organ is there to get rid of toxins in the body of the feedlot animal, then we have this bio-accumulation of toxins going straight through to our dogs and resulting in a much higher chance of them getting kidney disease as their own kidneys then have to excrete these accumulated toxins everyday!!
A plant-based diet contains pure proteins without the added concerns of ‘offal meat’ toxins, as well as being lower in Phosphorus that will protect the kidneys of your dog long term.
My dear Mum never knew any better and she isn’t around sadly to tell her about the wonders of plants for us and for our pets:)
“Hey Arielle
Your rescue Beardie sounds very much like my first dog, Doogle – he was the first dog that I had “owned” myself and I knew nothing of nutrition or what-have-you – this was 17 years ago – before even raw diets were being widely promoted. He was fed on supermarket-bought food and developed arthritis and Acute Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia – a devastating auto-immune disorder that killed him in 4 months at the age of 11.
Doogle’s disease forced me to rethink my approach to a lot of things and I promised myself that no pet of mine would subsequently be fed anything that might cause them any harm – I was shocked to find what was going into even the supposedly “high quality” food I had been feeding him and this led me (eventually) to your website. I hope that the review of mine on Google about Mojo and Smudge on plant-based diets helps promote an approach that saves just one Doogle from a similar fate.”
Read the full Google review here….

“As a vet, I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our pets that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced and delicious diet”
Arielle Vegan Vet
“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”
Arielle Vegan Vet

Study Of Twins Shows Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet
A ‘Groundbreaking’ Study Of Identical Twins Finds Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet And Same In Dogs!
We share the same gut microbiome as our dogs!
Dr Arielle speaks at Vegfest London about the similarities between us and our dogs on a plant-based diet in reducing inflammation and healing auto-immune conditions
London Vet Show Highs and Lows
I returned home emotionally drained, but also feeling so much more positive about the future of plant-based dog nutrition with the contacts that were made
Give A Dog A Bean is SO tasty!
“Boston loved the tinned food and woofed it down in one go. It’s actually the best smelling dog food ever. Impressive stuff!”
Should All Dogs Go Plant-Based?
Dr Arielle Griffiths is interviewed on live TV Channel 5 and shows Jeremy Vine how delicious vegan dog food is
Oldest living dog Bobi dies aged 31!
How your dog can live as long as Bobi eating a wholefood balanced diet as oldest vegan dog lived until she was 25!