We are so fortunate to have Prof Andrew Knight in the UK with all his enormously positive published studies about vegan dog food being healthier for our dogs than meat-based dog foods. His published studies in 2022, were closely followed by another inspiring authority Dr Sarah Dodd from the University of Guelph in Canada.

Dr Sarah Dodd is a board certified veterinary nutritionist and her groundbreaking studies  have shown that dogs on a nutritionally complete vegan dog food diet could live up to 18 months longer than a dog fed a meat-based diet! This publication drew widespread interest and was critiqued by scientists and vets from Mexico and the University of Adelaide who eventually had to admit from all the published science that –

Domínguez-Oliva et al. (2023) concluded, “there was no overwhelming evidence of adverse effects arising from use of [vegan pet food] and there was some evidence of benefits” – what enormous success from all these studies!

Dr Sarah Dodd board certified Veterinary Nutritionist

Meet the lovely Dr Sarah Dodd in a YouTube interview below


just be kind vegan dogs

Dr Lucy McKinna is another vegan vet who I hold in such high regard. She very humbly started her own dog food brand – Noochy Poochy which is one of the top vegan brands of food sold in the UK with trusted organic ingredients. Her entire ethos is based on health and doing the right thing above any form of profit.

Her ethos is one of sustainability, health and integrity. We spent a day together in May 2022 at Vegfest and I will never forget her saying with such enormous honesty as we stood behind our stand and waited for vets to show some interest in what we had to say and our products. Lucy said to me…”Why doesn’t everyone just see how amazing our food is and when they do, I want to spend any profit releasing the elephants in zoos in the Philipines who lead such wretched lives….that’s all I want!” I believe her and I just LOVE her dream that was said with such pure honesty – she will do it one day – I am sure of it!

just be kind vegan dogs

“As a vet, I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our pets that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced and delicious diet”

Arielle Vegan Vet

“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”

Arielle Vegan Vet

just be kind vegan dogs