London Vet Show 2022
What an inspiring and rewarding experience to talk in front of vets at the London Vet Show discussing dogs going plant-based for their health! How fortunate I felt to have a full and captive audience of vets listening to every word I said and then asking a number of important and valid questions.
It was quite an experience to have a stand at such a prestigious event, as well as give a talk and it didn’t go without a HUGE hiccup at the start. Upon arrival at the imposing arena in London, I had to scan in my pass number.
I looked on my phone for my number, only to find that my Just be Kind online shop had been hacked with 250+ failed orders and climbing rapidly. I rushed to find my tiny stand and thankfully I had brought my laptop with me so I could deal with this straight away and stop the hacker – but it left me quite shaken!!
Equally upsetting, was to find that the tiny space I had booked, was directly opposite the Raw Feeding Federation who had already set up their stand and were already advising vets walking past about raw feeding (I really just wanted to cry). I quickly pulled up my banners, tried not to listen to their advice they were giving as it upset me to my core, and I sorted out my online shop and then went in search of positivity!!
I found the positivity that I needed at the stand of the lovely Dr Summerfield who was promoting her business VVS that helps vets and vet practices with their patients needing further heart work-ups. Dr Summerfield is one of the UK’s top veterinary cardiologists and she feeds her 2 rescue dogs Elsie and Arthur on Solo Vegetal. There was an enormous stand in front of her going free as the company called Rocketo had not turned up!
I found the organisers and asked to move and what a joy – 2 burly men carried my furniture to my new stand and it was perfect – central, huge and opposite the loveliest people I could ask for…yes I do believe that so much in life happens for the right reasons!!
From that moment onwards, everything was positive and I returned home after 2 days energised and extremely excited about the future of plant-based feeding in our dogs – follow my experience below in images 🙂
The subject of Dr Arielle Griffith’s talk at the London Vet Show – “Dogs can thrive on a nutritionally balanced plant-based diet”
A rare and exciting opportunity to meet Prof Knight and give him one of my 2 talking slots to have double the impact and allow vets to hear all his research first hand.
Dr Lucy McKinna is someone I SO admire. She started the very successful Noochy Poochy all on her own, and it was such a pleasure to meet with her again and spend time with more vegan vets
The final slide used in my talk in front of vets and nurses as we can be clever and we can be resourceful together and carry Sir David’s legacy forward. He urges all of us to go plant-based in his Life on Planet documentary and it is the easiest change that we can make for ourselves and for our dogs.
It’s real! – Dogs Go Plant-Based logo is at the TOP of the panel of speakers in the ‘Food For Thought arena’. The first time that the London Vet Show has introduced this nutrition section, and unprecedented that 3 plant-based dog food companies attended – hurrah!!!
I certainly gave it my all and made my talk very personal and very emotive as we are all in this together and we all just want the same thing – hope for our future and healthier pets!
The London Vet Show ended on a high for me as I caught up with one of my dearest friends and colleagues – Carmela. We had not caught up with each other for a few years and we used to work together so we found ourselves hugging, then laughing, then crying, then hugging again:) Carmela now trains student vets and is one of the best vets that I know! She is also a vegan and her final words to me left me with such positivity. In her gentle spanish accent, she said “I just feel clean and can think clean thoughts when I am vegan” – I LOVE that!

“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”
Arielle Vegan Vet

Study Of Twins Shows Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet
A ‘Groundbreaking’ Study Of Identical Twins Finds Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet And Same In Dogs!
We share the same gut microbiome as our dogs!
Dr Arielle speaks at Vegfest London about the similarities between us and our dogs on a plant-based diet in reducing inflammation and healing auto-immune conditions
London Vet Show Highs and Lows
I returned home emotionally drained, but also feeling so much more positive about the future of plant-based dog nutrition with the contacts that were made
April just loves Give A Dog A Bean!
I have never seen such a manic reaction from two lazy dogs, they scoffed Give A Dog A Bean as if this was the first meal they’ve had in a long time
Give A Dog A Bean is SO tasty!
“Boston loved the tinned food and woofed it down in one go. It’s actually the best smelling dog food ever. Impressive stuff!”
Should All Dogs Go Plant-Based?
Dr Arielle Griffiths is interviewed on live TV Channel 5 and shows Jeremy Vine how delicious vegan dog food is