From Specialist Dermatologists to Practice Owners……Vets in the UK are choosing VEGAN DIETS TO FEED THEIR OWN DOGS!
Dr David Bentley – Dermatology Specialist
Treatment of skin and ear disease in dogs and cats has been David’s passion for most of his professional career, obtaining his RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Dermatology in 1994, after qualifying from Liverpool Vet School in 1982.
He has a waiting list of 10 weeks for referral cases seen as his dermatology services are in such high demand with the growing number of itchy and allergic dogs.
David by his own admission, feeds his own Border Collie with Solo Vegetal as he knows of the benefits of feeding a nutritionally sound plant-based diet to benefit the skin and overall health of his own dog.

Prof Clare Knottenbelt – Veterinary Oncologist Specialist
Prof Clare Knottenbelt is one of the UK’s top veterinary oncologists who lectured at Glasgow Vet School for many years and now she runs her own veterinary oncology business.
She recommends natural plant-based diets to many of her patients as she’s seen such a remarkable change in her own Labrador Jumble. Listen to her at the London Vet Show speaking about transitioning Jumble in the video. Jumble eats Solo Vegetal dry food and Green Crunch.

Dr Nuala Summerfield – Cardiology Vet Specialist – Virtual Veterinary Specialists
Dr Nuala is such an inspiration as not only is she vegan, but she also feeds her 2 rescues on Solo Vegetal dry food and tinned food which she recently introduced as they liked it so much. Read below why she has chosen plant-based for Arthur and Elsie.
“I have been feeding my two rescue dogs Arthur and Elsie on Solo Vegetal complete dry food for the past 2 years.
Both were in poor physical health when we took them on. Solo Vegetal has been so beneficial for both dogs and has really helped their gastrointestinal and skin issues. It seems to be extremely palatable (they love it!), they remain at an ideal body weight and both dog’s coats are thick and lustrous.
As a cardiology specialist I am very aware of the importance of feeding a balanced diet to ensuring cardiac health. Arthur and Elsie’s hearts are regularly scanned in the cardiac ultrasound CPD courses that I teach, so I know that their hearts are in great shape and their exercise tolerance is phenomenal!”

Dr Peter Martin – Director and Practice Owner Jurassic Vets
Dr Peter is an inspiring vet who runs 2 very popular and busy veterinary practices in Dorset on the south coast.
As a veterinary team, they aim to “We are determined to be the friendliest and most helpful vets in Sidmouth and Colyton. We are staffed by a welcoming and knowledgeable team of veterinary surgeons, registered veterinary nurses and animal care assistants who are dedicated to animal welfare.”
This carries through to how he treats his own animals as he has a loyal rescue dog Stitch – a whippet x Jack Russell who is fed on Solo Vegetal.
Peter also promotes a sustainable way of feeding dogs in his own practice and they have a page on their website dedicated to promoting it –
“As a vet, I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our pets that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced and delicious diet”
Arielle Vegan Vet
“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”
Arielle Vegan Vet

Study Of Twins Shows Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet
A ‘Groundbreaking’ Study Of Identical Twins Finds Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet And Same In Dogs!
We share the same gut microbiome as our dogs!
Dr Arielle speaks at Vegfest London about the similarities between us and our dogs on a plant-based diet in reducing inflammation and healing auto-immune conditions
London Vet Show Highs and Lows
I returned home emotionally drained, but also feeling so much more positive about the future of plant-based dog nutrition with the contacts that were made
Give A Dog A Bean is SO tasty!
“Boston loved the tinned food and woofed it down in one go. It’s actually the best smelling dog food ever. Impressive stuff!”
Should All Dogs Go Plant-Based?
Dr Arielle Griffiths is interviewed on live TV Channel 5 and shows Jeremy Vine how delicious vegan dog food is
Oldest living dog Bobi dies aged 31!
How your dog can live as long as Bobi eating a wholefood balanced diet as oldest vegan dog lived until she was 25!
The kindest pet owner you can be
At this noisy time of fireworks, and at anytime, we advise on how to be the kindest pet owner that you can be!
Surrey Vet School Students Are Inspired
Hi Arielle, Thank you so much for coming this evening, it was a fantastic talk! We’d love to have you back to do another talk! Many thanks VetSoc Surrey
The transformation was unbelievable!!
A fascinating discovery by top Vet Oncologist Dr Clare Knottenbelt who put her own dog Jumble on a plant-based diet
I’m proud to be the vegan owner of a healthy vegan Cockapoo
We can all be just so proud of what we are doing, and together let’s be the ones to pioneer what Prof Knight has started
Prof Andrew Knight’s studies continue!
Prof Knight’s latest study shows the remarkable environmental impact of dogs, cats and us going vegan and how it could quite literally save the planet!
Top 5 Trending Internet Pet Food Searches
All 5 top searches focus on pet health and sustainability with plant-based searches increasing by 70% in 2023!