What enormous positivity to read that the iconic vegan documentary ‘The Game Changers’ is getting a sequel!
The original Game Changers film was released in 2018. It was described as a “quest” to find the optimal diet for humans. The documentary highlights the health benefits of plant-based eating, with particular focus on athletes.
It has now been watched by more than 100 million people from around the world, and is credited with changing many people’s mindsets around eating a plant-based diet and shifting their mindset for health reasons, not only welfare reasons. (See full article here)
James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Novak Djokovic, Jackie Chan and Lewis Hamilton are all executive producers of the original film.
It also featured Patrik Baboumian, a vegan strongman who held the world log lift record and once lifted 420 pounds with his iconic words –
“Someone asked me: How could you get as strong as an ox without eating meat? My answer was: Have you ever seen an ox eating meat?”
We cannot wait for the sequel! It will build on the message of the first film.
It will look at the impact of plant-based eating on food justice, the environment, and children’s health, as well as nutrition and athletic performance.
Like the first film, it is also set to feature an “A-list cast” of entertainers and athletes such as Venus Williams and LeBron James (and a personal dream come true would be Lewis Hamilton talking on TV about how a vegan diet has impacted so positively on the health of his adored Bulldog Roscoe!)

How did Dr Arielle get to meet James Wilks Director of Game Changers?
I so believe that there are reasons for everything that happens to us in life – yes both good and bad that shape and form us and move us the direction we need to go. It was while watching the Game Changers sensation at the beginning of 2020 that fate stepped in so positively for me!
I was amazed to see that the Director James Wilks grew up in the same town as we lived in Melton Mowbray…and I immediately recognised where his Dad Gary worked! His Dad is mentioned in the film as he plays such an important role in the life of James Wilks, but he too discovered the enormous health benefits of a plant-based diet after suffering a heart attack.
I rushed to the phone to ring the unit where his Dad worked (that I recognised while watching TV), as at the time I was importing Green Crunch and supplement from Germany for your dogs and I was keeping it in our already overflowing garage!! James’ Dad Gary rented out units for hire, and you can imagine my delight when he answered the phone.
I rushed over to meet him and he was to become my biggest ally and help over the next few years of starting Just be Kind. His office is nextdoor to my little unit, and he is just so full of helpful and worldly advice and support.
He in turn loves me speaking so highly about his son James who lives in America and visits occasionally..It was his one visit where his Dad insist that he pop in to visit me and what a day that was!!! (see below)

“As a vet, I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our pets that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced and delicious diet”
Arielle Vegan Vet
“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”
Arielle Vegan Vet

April just loves Give A Dog A Bean!
I have never seen such a manic reaction from two lazy dogs, they scoffed Give A Dog A Bean as if this was the first meal they’ve had in a long time
Beautiful Loki the Vizsla loves Give A Dog A Bean
He’s on Solo Vegetal, as I’ve always been a dry food feeder for convenience, but he goes absolutely nuts for your Give A Dog A Bean!
I had previously tried him with Yumove tablets and saw no difference!
I recently trialled the Gold Dust along with the Algae oil with a 9 year old 40 kg English Bulldog that I look after who was struggling to lift his back legs to pee and go up and down the stairs