Why is our company registered as Slimming Pets Ltd?

When you buy our food or register, you will notice that the transaction is charged as Slimming Pets Ltd, not Just be Kind Vegan Dog Food. Read our vegan vet Arielle’s journey below.

As plant-based diets tend to be high fibre, they are ideal for dogs who are overweight due to eating too many treats or too high a diet made up of saturated animal fats. We have our sights set on changing the way these owners feed their pets; even if it just means changing a quarter of their diet to plant-based – it could impact hugely on animal welfare and the environment!

Arielle Griffiths BVSc MRCVS
Vegan Vet and pet owner

I am passionate about helping owners with their pets. I am a practising GP vet based in the UK, a pet owner, a mother and a forces  wife, and I fully understand the strength of the human-animal bond. I choose to only consult as I love it and I am fascinated by owners and their love for their pets as I relate to all of it!

​My journey as a vegan vet came from a passion to help owners with their overweight pets. We are an army family and we were posted abroad for 7 years. It meant moving home every 2 years with 4 children, dogs, cats, guinea pigs and even a chicken Coco who lived in 4 different countries with us as we loved her so much!

Upon returning to the UK after 7 years away, I was struck by how obese the pet population had become and how owners were overfeeding their pets out of love. After one particularly emotional day where I had to put 4 dogs to sleep for either being too overweight that they couldn’t get up, or obesity related issues such as cancer; I returned to my family and vowed to do something about this crisis as it really affected me.

I registered as a business called Slimming Pets Ltd and I threw myself passionately into dog nutrition and human behaviour. I completed as many nutrition courses as I could and I listened to each and every client who walked through the door. There is so much differing information out there for us as pet owners with so much of it being dictated by the large pet food companies as they can afford the most on advertising. We are taught so little about nutrition at vet school as it is a given that the pet food companies have it all sorted for us and we just need to feed their foods, but as a Mum and pet owner and a scientist, this wasn’t good enough for me – especially listening to the concerns of my clients. I have learnt so much just by listening to you the pet owner.

Every bit of research that I completed to find the healthiest diet for our dogs all pointed to a plant-based diet.


just be kind vegan dogs
What is an elimination diet?

What is an elimination diet?

The biggest positive with a plant-based diet, is that dogs cannot be maintained on a hydrolysed prescription diet indefinitely whereas they can stay on a plant-based for life