“Sarah is an amazing girl. Very intelligent and active, she just wants to please. We love her so much.”
Sarah’s Mum’s words echo what we all feel about our dogs so we had to share. Sarah is a rescue Border Collie with a highly sensitive nature and highly sensitive digestion. Her Mum has this to say about feeding her –
“Sarah is doing great. From day 1 on a vegan diet, she loved the cooked meals. She is an active happy girl. She loves the Gold Dust supplement. I sprinkle it on her food, no need to mix it in. Thank you. You make it easy to prepare balanced meals with your Just be Kind Supplement, and now looking after her joints with Gold Dust.”

“As a vet, I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our pets that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced and delicious diet”
Arielle Vegan Vet
“If nobody changes then nothing changes but if somebody changes then everything changes!”
Arielle Vegan Vet

Lottie the Border Terrier
We have not been back to the vets for her itchy ears for 4 weeks and counting! Which is incredible with what we’ve been through!
Pain reduced in just 3 days with GOLD DUST!
Inca seems to have more energy, there is a lot less stiffness in her hips (the main issue for her joints) and able to move more freely. I simply cannot believe this!
Louise’s fur finally grew back!
“Thank you for saving Louise” – Linda Dundee