We are just so pleased that the media are finally bringing to light the effects of our pet’s carbon footprint (or pawprint) when eating a meat-based dog food diet.

The 2 clips shown below featured on ITV news at 6pm with the different regions being shown slightly different content. We have been able to bring you both (but excuse the slightly poor quality as we have recorded our own TV’s).

Very well done owner Amanda with gorgeous little Miss Zsa Zsa the rescue Cavalier for highlighting the impact that a plant-based diet has made on Miss Zsa-Zsa’s health. How shiny her fur is in the clip taken on such a beautiful sunny spring day in Norfolk!

Miss Zsa Zsa plant-based dog featured on ITV news
Jo Dunbar’s statement on her choice to feed her Staffy plant-based ends with her saying – “Those animals in the meat industry being fed to other animals – it just doesn’t make sense to me whatsoever” is so profound – we all agree with you Jo!
just be kind vegan dogs
What is an elimination diet?

What is an elimination diet?

The biggest positive with a plant-based diet, is that dogs cannot be maintained on a hydrolysed prescription diet indefinitely whereas they can stay on a plant-based for life