Elderly dog Bea sleeping on sofa and able to climb on the sofa after 1 month on plant-based foods


What a wonderful review we received today from devoted Sue the owner of 12 year old Golden Retriever Bea. Sue always wanted to try a plant-based diet on her dogs but was torn as she listened to people telling her how cruel she was being. Sue found the strength to trust her instincts and feed Bea a 100% plant-based homemade diet.

She bought our JUST BE KIND supplement and diligently made our homemade recipes as well as buying VegDog Senior No 1 tinned food feeding plant-based exclusively to Bea. When we read this review this morning, we did confess to shedding a few happy tears, as the difference in Bea after only a month on a plant-based diet is remarkable –

I never thought I would be so pleased that Bea could get on the settee, she hadn’t done it for at least 12 months!
She is now fully vegan but the only challenge I have now is portion sizes with the food as she loves it so much! 😁
Sue – Preston Lancashire
just be kind vegan dogs