I am cashing in my pension for you as you give me such hope for the future – this post is very personal but I feel it needs to be shared with you.
On the 5th of the 5th this month, I turned 55, and felt just so enormously thankful that as a working vet for almost 30 years (!), I had a small pension that I could cash in on my birthday to invest in buying more vegan dog food and a whole new batch of JUST BE KIND supplement for your dogs!

‘The more plants you add into the diet, the healthier the pet will be’: Arielle Griffiths with her pet dog, Ruff. Photograph: Fabio De Paola/The Guardian 10th May 22
We have received no financial backing at all as a family with our JUST BE KIND business which we so appreciate, as the main drive of the business has not been to make huge profits to satisfy hungry investors wanting a good return on their money…..NO, as a family with a huge concern for our future, our passions for the business lie so much deeper than that.
We are all worried about what we are doing as individuals and businesses to our environment and our animals and insects, so to have more and more people like you wanting to feed their dogs sustainably and kindly, is what drives us. You are giving us the most basic of qualities that we all have to hang onto…hope!
We have been overwhelmed this month with a surge in people realising at last that vegan dog food is healthier for their dogs and that they will live longer all due to Prof Knight’s groundbreaking published paper last month. One of the UK’s biggest environmentalists, Chris Packham had an astounding influence when he posted about his own Poodles Sid and Nancy loving the vegan dog food on all is social media accounts, and I personally have felt completely overwhelmed with interest after appearing in The Guardian this month….and next month, Ruff and I appear on Channel 5! (a post for another time)
All of this has led to us needing to keep up with demand and when I lay in bed at 4am in the dark worrying about how on earth we were going to afford to pay for the next huge order of Solo Vegetal and the next import of Green Crunch or new batch of Supplement (on top of like all of us, a worry about our monthly energy bill increase and petrol price increase); all my worries flooded away when I realised that I had this extra pot for my pension that is mine, and I only want to invest in you and your dogs as you are our future!
Even more exciting, is that with this extra money…..we now stock HOWND tinned food! As you can see, we are not profit driven to satisfy investors, but doing this to encourage more and more vegan dogs; we are able to sell it at a price where our profit margins are SO tiny and your dogs can benefit from this high quality vegan food from such an ethical company, at AN INCREDIBLY REASONABLE PRICE!
Plus, we love the fact that although Ruff is very spoilt with having a daily diet of Solo Vegetal, Green Crunch, Greta and homemade supplemented food….he absolutely LOVES the taste of the HOWND tins – an extra bonus:)

Study Of Twins Shows Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet
A ‘Groundbreaking’ Study Of Identical Twins Finds Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet And Same In Dogs!
We share the same gut microbiome as our dogs!
Dr Arielle speaks at Vegfest London about the similarities between us and our dogs on a plant-based diet in reducing inflammation and healing auto-immune conditions
London Vet Show Highs and Lows
I returned home emotionally drained, but also feeling so much more positive about the future of plant-based dog nutrition with the contacts that were made