Why sprouts for your vegan dog?
Most legumes that are used as a protein source in plant-based diets such as chickpeas and lentils contain a relatively high amount of phytic acid (phytates) that inhibits the absorption of valuable vitamins, iron and calcium from the intestine. To reduce the levels of phytic acid when lentils or other legumes are eaten, it is very important to soak and rinse them before cooking; or ideally sprout the lentils easily on your window sill as this reduces the phytates even more!
Sprouting the seeds is really simple. Soak 1 tbsp alfalfa seeds for a day in a sprouting jar or 2 tbsp lentil seeds (green lentils work really well). After 24 hours place the sprouting jar on a dish so water can drain and rinse sprouts twice daily. Do not expose to sunlight (cover with a teacloth) and use them for the recipe after 2-3 days of sprouting. Sprouted alfalfas are full of calcium and protein, and sprouted lentils are the healthiest way to eat lentils (for us too).